Visibility of governance portal without logging in

Hi there,
Is it an expected behavior to not see anything on the governance portal if not logged it to Zilpay?

Yes, you need to login to view the proposal.

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Thanks Snowslege,
Would it not make more sense to have the information visible without having to login?
Making this information publicly visible promotes greater network effect (sharing via social media).
Just use Twitter as one of those social platforms as an example: majority of people clicking on the direct links to the ZIP are going to do so via a mobile. As one of those users, I know it would be great to read what the proposal is about and then choose to connect to a wallet using my desktop to actually vote.
Either way, just my experience, cheers.


Yes true, working on 2 things now:

  • Compatibility with mobile
  • Ability to view without logging in

Will take a while though, the codebase is forked from Snapshot so we are not very familiar with it yet.


Awesome thank you.
I know you guys are always hard at work in the background.