I had to vote against, please do not solve problem this way.
What are you suggesting would compromise decentralization of the network further.
I thank you for your time to read my detailed reasoning and suggestions bellow:
There are 2 problems with $gZil voting:
Problem1: Difficult to pass a suggestion, mainly due to holders lacking either initiative or information to participate
Problem2: For a single interested party/organization it is quite easy to buy enough $gZil to pass the votes on their own. Currently, attacker would need to own 56k $gZil, which is ONLY ~3.5mil of USD, and that will allow to make changes without anyone else agreeing. Someone moderately rich could own the governance right now…
When solving Problem1 we must not worsen Problem2. Thus suggestion to “Quorum should be set very low” is dangerous and should not come though on its own, as even less money would allow centralized control of Zilliqa’s governance. Furthermore, reducing voting time would not allow community enough time to unite and resist the attack with remaining $gZil
Also, reducing max duration would only result in less holders having chance to participate, probably resulting in quorum not met in time anyway, forcing to start over. Finally, if we allow many changes to be voted in in short periods of time, Zilliqa team would still not be able to implement them right away, so rushing decisions brings no benefits as I see it.
We should discuss and make improved suggestion that solves both problems. My ideas:
Solving Problem1:
1.1 Voting shall remain open for 30 days. BUT as soon as quorum is met, the remaining time would be reduced to 7 days at once. So if quorum is met quickly, e.g 2 days, then voting would close after 9 days, after allowing less active (or away) users to see the proposal too.
1.2 Holders would have to “check-in” their address for voting on vote.zilliqa website (before the snapshot is made), this way declaring activity and interest in participating in governance at all. Check-in shall stay valid for 1 year.
1.3 Quorum shall be increased to 50%, but only check-in $gZil would be counted as “100%” of votes.
1.4 Voting can only happen once at least 10% of circulating supply has been check in. (Otherwise, token is not being used for its purpose on a massive scale, and other measures needs to be taken to solve this)
This would solve problem with exchanges, speculators or ignorant holders not using their $gZil for voting, which currenly prevents quorum from being reached
Example: Total of 65k $gZil has been checked-in by the holders, which is 100%. Snapshot is made. Then, 41k $gZil have been used for actual voting, so quorum is met, as it is ~67% of checked-in voters.
Solving Problem2:
It is not fair and decentralized, when optinion of single rich person holding 5000 $gZil, means more than opinions of thousand (1000!) holders who holds average of 4.9 $gZil. Money should not have such drastic effect, as it demotivates and eliminates majority of interested developers who are not currently rich. Thus, I suggest to not use linear function when determining of number of votes per $gZil. Instead:
2.1 Use square root (v= sqrt(c) where c - count of $gZil held, v - number of votes) when determing number of votes.
1 $gZil - 1 vote
50 $gZil - ~7 votes
200 $gZil - ~14.1 votes
5000 $gZil - ~ 70.7 votes
This would still give motivation to hold more, but would make opinions of moderate amount holders more significant
2.2 Mind this problem: suggested change 2.1 could be “rigged” by splitting ones’ holding to multiple wallets. As wallet with 5000 $gZil = 70.1 votes, holder would create a hundred of wallets with 50 $gZil, totaling in 100 * 7 = 700 votes.
But I believe this can be ultimately solved with KYC person verification much later. For now, it is still improvement, as cheating like this would require much effort from attacker (i.e. voting hundred of times, managing and switching wallets), and would not worsen current situation.
Thank you for reading this. I ask you to always consider security of Zilliqa network when proposing changes and voting for them.